• Curabitur faucibus

    San Diego Zoo Guide

    World-famous San Diego Zoo is home to more than 4000 animals. Located in the sunny Southern California city, where the sun always shines and the breeze never fails, the attraction is a great day of fun and learning, and a must-visit for everyone, tourists and residents alike.

  • Curabitur faucibus

    San Diego Zoo Guide

    World-famous San Diego Zoo is home to more than 4000 animals. Located in the sunny Southern California city, where the sun always shines and the breeze never fails, the attraction is a great day of fun and learning, and a must-visit for everyone, tourists and residents alike.

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Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Winners at the Best Lifestyle Awards

The Hong Kong ICT Awards 2011 – Group Photo of the Best Lifestyle Award
The MTR stations have got tonnes of hidden food places. If you walk to work everyday from the station, then you will probably take the same exit every time. You'll walk past the same food places and the same shops selling the same things everyday. But with the MTR Mobile iPhone and iPad application, you'll barely have to wander off your usual path to find great eats and buys.

Using Augmented Reality technology, you can point your iPhone wherever, and the smart system will deduce your location and find you the nearest shops, eating joints, attractions or convenience locations. It's pretty snazzy, and on top of the cool AR magic, the application also gives you useful information for planning your route with the MTR.

The Hong Kong ICT Awards Best Lifestyle Awards presentation ceremony was held last month, and deservingly, MTR Mobile was awarded the  “Best Lifestyle Award” and a Gold Award in the “Green, Healthy and Creative Living” category for its user-friendly and innovative application.

Representative of the Organizer, The Panel of Judges and The Hong Kong ICT Awards 2011: photo of the champion of the “Best Lifestyle Award” and a Gold Award in the “Green, Healthy and Creative Living

Other winners include Hong Kong Education City's past examination papers portal, the cloud-based publishing platform M-pub and Hong Kong Arts Festival's iPhone application.

We use our smart phones everyday and they have become an important part of our daily routine. With an award like ICT recognizing the best of information technology usage, it will definitely encourage more and better applications that like the MTR one, will help us with our eating and our commuting. We like!


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